List Of Top Antivirus For Mobile Phones

Antivirus Software is the key to maximum protection of your mobile phones as well as other devices. Here in this article i will be listing the top antivirus software for mobile phone and how to download them:
  1. Netquin:When it come to providing maximum protection to your phone, netquin for mobile phones it worth trying. Netquin mobile antivirus software uses lead technology to protect your phone from all the latest mobile virus and threats. Netquin antivirus for mobile is completely free to download. The interface is very flexible and easy to understand, when am using nokia symbian phone, i make use of netquin and it scan my device very well. You can go their website  to download.
  2. Kaspersky: This is one of the world top and most active antivirus software. Kaspersky has made it available not just for pc users but for mobile phone user as well. Kaspersky has both free and paid version of the antivirus. its very active and scan, protect your device, memory card from virus infections or damage. The paid version is worth paying for.
  3. Avast: In my previous post HERE, i reviewed avast antivirus, well the good news is that avast is not only for pc users. Mobile phone users can as well use it to protect their device. When my android tablet develop some problem, i installed avast antivirus and use it to scan my device and after that it started working perfectly, you can click here read more about avast.
  4. Norton: Norton antivirus software is one of the best antivirus for mobile. Norton is one of the biggest, if not the biggest security company in the world, which made them have many virus footprints and manipulation, thereby developing a suitable antivirus software that will protect your mobile phone. You can visit their website at to get started.
  5. Eset:
    Eset antivirus for mobile is very cool. Eset has remain my number one antivirus sftware because that is what am using in my laptop. am yet to try the mobile phone version of ESET but from all indication it seems very cool. You can check them out at and enjoy the free 3o days trial and see what it looks like.
  6. Mcafee: Mcafee has been in existence for long and has proven themself credible in virus protection, Mcafee antivirus & security has been design to work with almost everything. even website owners use mcafee to protect their site from spam and other threats, Mcafee virusScan mobile is very cool, you can use it to scan out virus from your mobile phone. You can check them out at for downloads.
This is the list of top antivirus for mobile phones, Note that this list will always be updated with the recent and best antivirus for mobile phone at For download of this antivirus softwares visit their site or your mobile phone application portal for download e.g if you use android visit google play store and download any antivirus of your choice


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